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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Brainstorming - Input Appreciated

So, I am planning to make a chocolate fondue this week. I was thinking of what to serve with it ~ my creativity has taken a short vacation.

My thoughts:

What else would be good? What is your favorite food to dip in chocolate fondue?

Another question:
What is your favorite type of fondue? How do you like to serve it?

All comments are appreciated!


Porters said...

At Christmas-time I had some leftover melted chocolate after dipping some of my homemade candies, and it just so happened I was snacking on a banana and thought " I wonder what this would taste like dipped in chocolate?" So I tried it and it was DELICIOUS!! Strawberries and chocolate are always good. The pineapple sounds kind of different, I'm not so sure I would like that! You'll have to report later on what you used and what you liked!

Jocelyn said...

Pound cake or angel food cake is another one that we usually do with fondue. you really can't go wrong with anything dipped in chocolate:-)